Philosophy Vision Mission


“Good knowledge, morality, lead the community to develop”


“Chandrakasem Rajabhat University is an institution that produces graduates with identity, quality, competence, and is the main institution that integrates knowledge into innovation in local development to create stability for the country.”


        1. To produce quality graduates, have good attitudes, be good citizens in society, and have competencies according to the needs of graduate users.
2. Research to create knowledge and innovation with quality and acceptable standards, focusing on integrating for tangible benefits.
3. Local development according to potential, problem conditions, and real needs of the community by transferring knowledge, technology, and incorporating royal initiatives into practice.
4. Build a network of cooperation with all sectors for local development, and strengthen community leaders to have morality and ability to manage work for the benefit of the public.
5. Manage university resources efficiently with good governance, and ready for change to achieve continuous and sustainable development

University Identity  

“Graduate Practitioner, Volunteer Spirit, Technological Advancement, Multilingual Skills”

University Entity

“To produce teachers and graduate practitioners, to be a source of quality lifelong learning.”


“The wise train themselves: Attanang Dhamayanti Panthita.”